Friday 24 October 2014

Crown Jewels of King John.

Crown Jewels of King John.

Crown Jewels of England, is believed by many to be the most impressive array of jewelry. Used for coronations, these jewels are under heavy guard in the Tower of London. They are guarded by specially trained British palace guards. Sami guards are the second most popular attraction in the Tower of London, after the jewels themselves. Regalia consist of a crown, a scepter and a few other royal ornaments. Crown Jewels have been replaced, stolen and destroyed several times, but the most intriguing is related to the disappearance of the name of King John, who in 1216 attempted to cross the Wash Bay in Lincolnshire. He miscalculated his strength and lost luggage, which was washed away in the sea. What was in his luggage? Yes, the royal regalia. Once he reached the shore, he caught dysentery and died a few days later. This area is extremely dangerous due to the stylish, unexpected tides and muddy water, but treasure hunters still go there every year, hoping to find a trophy of his life.

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