Monday 10 November 2014

Rotabaggi - Military Concept 1940

Rotabuggy is a lightweight car with the rotor installed gyroplane. The goal of the combination of the car and gyroplane was air drop jeep with transport aircraft. The project was developed in the UK until the closing in 1944. 

The first was a Rotabuggy army jeep Willys, with established glasses, stands with two-bladed rotor, plywood plywood cabin and tail fairing.
Last flight took place in September 1944. During this flight Rotabuggy, when separated from the towing samoleta bomber Whitley, made a flight of 10 minutes at a speed of 105 km / h at an altitude of 121 meters. Adopted is not accepted.

Friday 7 November 2014

Shocking Pictures Tells Bitter Truth About The War

If the Earth could tell your story, what would it tell us? This planet has seen 14,500 wars and witnessed the death, in these wars, 35 billion people, if you start the report with 3500 BC War is the longest and the tragic aspect of human life, and the world is no man who would she not directly or indirectly touched. In order to understand the truth, do not know the history of the death of each soldier or civilian alone is enough to see these 10 pictures.
Japanese Soldiers.
During the Second World War, more precisely in 1942, Americans have faced fierce resistance of the Japanese on the tiny tropical island of Guadalcanal. Under the clouds of suffocating humidity, surrounded by billions of mosquitoes, the Americans walked across this island. Along with American units, was at the forefront of Life magazine photographer Ralph Morse. And only thanks to him we have the opportunity to see what he saw soldiers, namely the brutality of war. 

During one patrol, the squad came across a set right on the stick dried head of the Japanese soldier, and his mouth was open in an eternal scream. Patrol gave to come closer, as likely head was mined. This picture showed the world the proof of barbarism, which are becoming commonplace in the war. Although the atrocities happened around the world here it took a sophisticated turn. While the Japanese soldiers mined the corpses of American soldiers wounded soldiers beheaded and set their heads on stakes. Both sides made a necklace of teeth defeated enemy as a war trophy.

The bombing of Massawa.
May 29, 1991 came to an end a 30-year struggle for the independence of Eritrea from Ethiopia. The year before that historic day, Eritrean People's Liberation Front (EPLF) launched a massive attack on the port city of Massawa Ethiopia, hoping to cut off the supply lines of the Ethiopian army. After three days of fierce fighting, EPLF succeeded in capturing the city. But Ethiopia did not want to give up without a fight such an important bridgehead. For several days, they destroyed the city with napalm and cluster bombs that have killed hundreds of civilians. 

A month later, the aerial bombardment tries again. Virtually the entire infrastructure of the city was destroyed and civilians suffering from hunger and huddled in makeshift shelters. Most of the photos and videos were too horrible for publication in the media, but only one way this ordinary man sitting on the body of a huge bomb says more than any story about the events. Dark, empty gaze of men and his entourage tells us about the life of Eritrean citizens at the time, and we hope that this image will never fade from history.

Saturday 1 November 2014

History Of The Famous Comic Sans Font

Vincent Conner told how 20 years ago accidentally invented the font Comic Sans and why it is loved by ordinary people and hate designers.

Two years ago, the European Center for Nuclear Research, where the Large Hadron Collider, have found the Higgs boson "God particle". That is, scientists have searched for her for forty years, and that's the day when I finally found all know about Comic sans font. Professor Fabiola Gianotti scored his presentation, explaining the results of the study, my font. I have this story now often think of when I say that Comic Sans only idiots chooses, and clever use of them never will.  I guess I could become a millionaire like Bill Gates and I'm invented Comic Sans, working in Microsoft. Settled there in 1993, I was already over thirty. Actually, since my childhood I dreamed of becoming a professional baseball player, and even went to college to play for the local team. Due to a hand injury with sports had to tie. Enrolled in the New York Institute of Technology on graphic design, experimenting with photography, even worked in the newspaper, and then my girlfriend dragged me to the company Compugraphic, here I am already engaged fonts.  Hardly sitting at Microsoft, by the way I met with Gates, then Company from time to time special days, when he became acquainted with new employees, and among 350 newcomers awarded a short conversation, and I turned out. We talked about work, nothing interesting. And for Comic Sans I took by accident in October 1994 colleagues showed advanced development of the company is a program Microsoft Bob, which was to help new users understand the system. Imagine an ordinary room in the house, on the wall hung a calendar and clock on the table, Phonebook and letter-box. This is all the programs that can be opened. And there's a special assistant cheerful yellow dog named Rover. Developers were obviously too lazy to bother, so when Rover started to explain something, his remarks were written the classic boring font Times New Roman.  To me, it immediately caught my eye: Well, tell me what the dog as talking? I offered to draw the font to have fun, something in the style of comics. In the office, just lay a couple of original editions of "Keepers" and even "The Return of the Dark Knight" Batman - so that Comic Sans was a good source of inspiration. The work took only three days, the letters turned slightly negligent, such free, deliberately wrong, as if written by hand.  However, the dog had not talked to my font, but maybe it's for the best: Bob was one of the major failures in the company's history. Consolation, perhaps only by the fact that is the project has worked, among others Melinda French, future Melinda Gates Foundation. But Comic Sans soon turned into an extra package Windows 95. So if all that talk about a memorable date, for me it's more on August 24 when the operating system is out officially, but my font is called, went to the people. Although, generally speaking, this is not intended.  In Microsoft I worked for six years. Engaged, among other things, Greek and Cyrillic versions of Comic Sans: remember, had to tinker with tails "u", "d" and "c" they get too short and inexpressive. Do not think that all these years, I somehow actively followed the life Comic Sans; he actually lived separately from me. When in the late 1990s, the two designers have sent me a letter in which politely informed that launch a campaign to boycott the font and asked to use my photos on posters, I did not pay attention. Surprised to remember where people have so much free time, well resolved.  Now, of course, I constantly hear the news about Comic Sans. Friends send pictures, readers tweeted. The font used in the most unexpected and often inappropriate situations - in fact, so his hate and professionals. Well another beach towel in Australia, but I was told that they had seen Comic Sans on the memorial to the victims of World War II in Holland. I would not say that it is appropriate. Once upon a time I was very angry, and then I realized that nothing I can do about it: people choose what they like. To some, you know, and Justin Bieber on the soul. 
Sometimes I get tired of Comic Sans, in the end; I made another Magpie, Trebuchet, Webdings part and other fonts. On the other hand, it has long been a part of pop culture, and nowhere on does it not hide. Now I have in the fridge is creme fresh, imported from France, logo dialed Comic Sans. Here is the site of the Vatican posted a photo album dedicated to the previous Pope Benedict, text typed Comic Sans. But the restaurant's menu somewhere in France and the announcement on the pole, but my own wife, Susan, on all parties representing me as the father of Comic Sans. If people choose my font from the hundreds of others, so he he really likes, so - yes, I would like to be remembered as the man who invented the most favorite font in the world.

Friday 24 October 2014

The Mystery of Gold Mines.

The story of one gold mine is haunted by several generations of hunters in the United States. Many believe that this is a myth, but still some people think otherwise. And that is why there are people who risk their lives to find the treasure. This, budorazhuschy minds gold mine, according to rumors, was discovered in 1840 in the mountains of Superstition, Arizona.

Initially, the mine worked the family that sent gold in Mexico, until a group of Apaches did not kill them. They Left alive only one or two people who had fled to Mexico. Many people have heard about the huge reserves of gold, which kept mine, and many have argued that they have a card, which indicates the location of the mine, or that they know the location of the mine. But every time someone tried to lay claim to gold, tragedy strikes. In the 1870s, a German immigrant named Jacob Waltz was said to have reopened the mine, made a deal with a descendant of the family owners. He is rumored to have left caches of gold throughout the county, and when there was a suspicion that he steals the gold, his partner was suddenly killed by members of the tribe of Apaches, or, as many say, by Waltz. Seriously ill, Waltz, as they say, spoke about the location of the mine Julia Thomas, who took care of him until his death in 1891. She could not find mine, so tell the entire secret Waltz. But it did not help, because no one has been able to find mine. Most reports indicate that the mine is near Weavers Needle near Phoenix. Group’s seekers often visit the area, but the National Park Service United States warns that the landscape there is very dangerous for the unprepared traveler.

Crown Jewels of King John.

Crown Jewels of King John.

Crown Jewels of England, is believed by many to be the most impressive array of jewelry. Used for coronations, these jewels are under heavy guard in the Tower of London. They are guarded by specially trained British palace guards. Sami guards are the second most popular attraction in the Tower of London, after the jewels themselves. Regalia consist of a crown, a scepter and a few other royal ornaments. Crown Jewels have been replaced, stolen and destroyed several times, but the most intriguing is related to the disappearance of the name of King John, who in 1216 attempted to cross the Wash Bay in Lincolnshire. He miscalculated his strength and lost luggage, which was washed away in the sea. What was in his luggage? Yes, the royal regalia. Once he reached the shore, he caught dysentery and died a few days later. This area is extremely dangerous due to the stylish, unexpected tides and muddy water, but treasure hunters still go there every year, hoping to find a trophy of his life.